Thomas Allison.Thomas married Susan Howard.
Susan Howard was born about 1730. She died in , Logan, Kentucky. She married Thomas Allison.
Other marriages:McLean, Charles
They had the following children:
M i Robert Allison M ii Samuel Turner Allison.
Charles McLean was born in of, Maury, Tennessee. He married Susan Howard.
Susan Howard was born about 1730. She died in , Logan, Kentucky. She married Charles McLean.
Other marriages:Allison, Thomas
They had the following children:
M i John McLean was born in , Logan, Kentucky. M ii Ephraim McLean was born in , Logan, Kentucky. F iii Susanna McLean was born in , Logan, Kentucky.
William Moore [Parents] was born about 1730 in of, Lincoln, North Carolina. He married Mary Jackson about 1748.
Mary Jackson was born in of, Lincoln, North Carolina. She married William Moore about 1748.
They had the following children:
M i William Moore was born about 1749 in , Lincoln, North Carolina. M ii Alexander Moore was born in , Lincoln, North Carolina. F iii Jane Moore M iv James Moore was born about 1755 in , Lincoln, North Carolina. M v John Moore was born in 1759 in , Tryon, North Carolina. He died in 1836. F vi Agnes Moore was born about 1761 in , Lincoln, North Carolina. F vii Mary Moore was born about 1763 in , Lincoln, North Carolina. F viii Rosannah Moore was born about 1765 in , Lincoln, North Carolina.
Charles Moore was born in , , Maryland. He married Margaret Barry.
Margaret Barry.Margaret married Charles Moore.
They had the following children:
M i William Moore M ii Charles Moore.[Notes] M iii David Moore. M iv Hugh Moore.
James Green.James married Susan Rowdon on 3 Nov 1809 in Roane, , Tennessee.
Susan Rowdon.Susan married James Green on 3 Nov 1809 in Roane, , Tennessee.
They had the following children:
F i Louisa Anna Greene
John Patton.John married Elizabeth Berne.
Elizabeth Berne.Elizabeth married John Patton.
They had the following children:
F i Sarah (Sallie) Patton
Donna Jo Bradshaw [Parents]
Other marriages:Piper, Robert Gary
Bauerle, Ronald Edward
Joseph Webb [Parents] was born in 1824 in , , Tennessee. He married Margaret.
Margaret was born in 1815 in , , Kentucky. She married Joseph Webb.
They had the following children:
F i Martha Elizabeth Webb M ii Lewis L. Webb was born in 1850 in , , Alabama. M iii George William Webb F iv Sarah Jane Webb was born in 1853 in , , Alabama. F v Susan Webb was born in 1854 in , , Alabama.
John S. Middleton was born in 1843 in , , Alabama. He married Nancy Ann Corn on 22 Aug 1861 in , Jackson, Alabama.
Nancy Ann Corn [Parents] 1 was born on 10 Jun 1846 in , Jackson, Alabama. She married John S. Middleton on 22 Aug 1861 in , Jackson, Alabama.
They had the following children:
M i William R. Middleton was born in 1862 in , Jackson, Alabama. F ii Mary A. Middleton was born in 1867 in , Jackson, Alabama. F iii Sarah E. Middleton was born in May 1870 in , Jackson, Alabama.
Walker Matthews [Parents] was born on 14 Jun 1841 in , , Alabama. He died on 7 Mar 1874. He married Sarah Louise Corn on 23 Jan 1862 in , Jackson, Alabama.
Sarah Louise Corn [Parents] 1 was born on 5 Apr 1844 in , Jackson, Alabama. She married Walker Matthews on 23 Jan 1862 in , Jackson, Alabama.
They had the following children: