John Bybee [Parents] was born in 1739 in , Fluvanna, Virginia. He died in 1821 in , Barren, Kentucky. He married Elizabeth (Betsy) McCann in 1763 in Fluvanna, , Virginia.
Elizabeth (Betsy) McCann [Parents] was born about 1739 in , Fluvanna, Virginia. She married John Bybee in 1763 in Fluvanna, , Virginia.
They had the following children:
M i Lee Allen Bybee
John Bybee was born on 5 Jan 1706 in , Goochland, Virginia. He died in 1758 in , Fluvanna, Virginia. He married Sarah Judith Jane Giles in 1732 in , , Virginia.
Sarah Judith Jane Giles was born about 1711 in , Fluvanna, Virginia. She married John Bybee in 1732 in , , Virginia.
They had the following children:
M i John Bybee
Samuel Richard Corn [Parents] [image] 1 was born on 12 Jun 1842 in Bellefonte, Jackson, Alabama. He died on 10 Feb 1920. He married Margaret Mahalia Smith.
Other marriages:Bryant, Sarah Alvenia
Margaret Mahalia Smith 1 died on 29 Jun 1915. She married Samuel Richard Corn.
They had the following children:
F i Margaret Ethel Corn was born on 13 Jan 1893. She died on 3 Mar 1933.
Opal Blanche Patterson [Parents] was born on 15 Dec 1913 in Mount Pleasant, Titus, Texas. She died on 22 May 1984 in Hollywood, , California. She married Clyde M. Christensen in 1934 in Mt. Pleasant, Titus, Texas.
Vernal D. Webb [Parents] was born on 19 Nov 1908 in Sweetwater, Nolan, Texas. He died on 16 Mar 1968. He married Katherine Louise Lange on 5 Aug 1933 in Los Angelos, , California.
They had the following children:
M i John Robert Webb was born on 6 Apr 1937 in Los Angeles, Long Beach, California. He died on 5 Dec 2000 in Riverside, , California.
Donna Jo Bradshaw [Parents]
Other marriages:Dirksen, Gregory Aloysius
Bauerle, Ronald Edward
They had the following children:
F i Kristina Dawn Piper M ii Robert (Robby) Gary Piper Jr.
Kristina Dawn Piper [Parents]
Donna Jo Bradshaw [Parents]
Other marriages:Dirksen, Gregory Aloysius
Piper, Robert Gary
They had the following children:
M i Ryan Edward Bauerle
Dixie Lynn Bradshaw [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Paul Elijah Zeltner M ii Christopher Ryan Zeltner M iii Darrel Patrick Zeltner
Edward Dixon was born about 1715 in Corby, , England. He married Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was born about 1719. She married Edward Dixon.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Dixon