Dan's Genealogy Page


Robert Sorrell III

"Jane Jones"

Hi Dan,
In looking at your Sorrell data, I would like to correct something about Robert Sorrell who married Rebecca Woodward. His date of
death should be 1676 because he was killed in Bacon's Rebellion fighting with the British against the uprising of the colonists. I
can cite the sources of this if you're interested. His wife was recompensed in 1682 when the Burgesses granted her a large
amount of tobacco and a horse because her home was also pillaged.
There are some other dates which my information does not agree with but wont bother with them now. You certainly have a lot of
material at your site. Congratulations. Jane Jones

Robert Sorrell I

Re: Sorrell
Thu, 10 May 2001 22:04:34 -0500
"Jane Jones"

1 , 2

If you will look at one of the early books by John Boddie, you will see that
he has a proposed sequence of Sorrells. There is a better source in one of
the books about the Lewis's which gives a better sequence which looks more
probable. BTW Tarling/ Terling is a location in Essex, England and not one
of the surnames in the Sorrell material. Jane